Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011 Spec Ops - The Line, the Real Shooter Game

Game 2K Games's latest shooter, Spec Ops: The Line, up to now not have definite release date. A few days ago, 2K Games gives a little info about the expected when the players can play the games that have this impressive graphics. The contents of the official announcement states that Spec Ops: The Line is scheduled to come out in late 2010.
"Spec Ops: The Line is planned to be released during fiscal year 2011, which begins on 1 November 2010 ", according to the contents of the press release issued by 2K Games.
Is there any possibility of release of this game will be delayed? Given that the fall of 2010 many shooter game that will come out, like Medal of Honor and Halo: Reach, and the possibility of a release of Call of Duty, 2K Games will meet many challenges in next year's holiday season.
In addition, a few weeks ago, the parent company of 2K Games, Take-Two, has announced that they would postpone a mysterious first-class games into the 2011 fiscal year. Perhaps the game in question is Spec Ops: The Line.
2K Games a little luck with his new franchise in this year's Borderlands, where they successfully launched the game between the release of Halo 3: ODST owned by Bungie and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. But it seems, Spec Ops: The Line is not going to come out before November 2010.