Sunday, January 23, 2011

CardMon Hero Enters Second CBT, Open Beta

CardMon Hero Enters Second CBT, Open Beta

Redbana has announced the schedule of opening the Close Beta Testing his second of the game, CardMon Hero on January 5, 2011. Player who participated in the first CBT automatically get Beta Key for the second phase, while those who just joined can get started on December 29, 2010. CBT second period had been due to take place until January 9, 2011, then still waiting for the next schedule for the Open Beta or the official launch of CardMon Hero.

Redbana an online game publisher from the U.S. that handles the circulation of Audition Online MMO themed music and dance popular in North America in the era of 2009, which was originally managed by Nexon Korean. Now, Redbana will appoint a Fantasy MMORPG game that features a trading card game in CardMon Hero. In this game, player controls the character of Hero with the help of some magical monster card.

In essence, the gameplay systems combine CardMon hack-and-slash where players fight accompanied the mercenaries that can be made, discovered, recruited, and is summoned using a magic card. Combine a variety of mercenaries that you have with different kinds of skills from the cards to explore the vast game world, contains more than 70 dungeons, and make a unique card collecting special materials.